Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Coming This Summer.....

So it's vacation work season once again, and everyone at uni is in the process of signing vacation work contracts. For some people, it's their first taste of industry, but for vacation work veterans, like Sophia, Luke & myself, it is our third time going out for Summer work. I received offers from both BMA & Vale for their Central Queensland coal sites, but decided to go with Vale, because it goes for the whole 12 week period, and they have already given me 4 major projects to work on over the course of the period.

It has been two years since I have been out on site in Mt. Isa (refer to my earlier blogs), having worked in a design office in Brisbane last year. After working in the office last year, I have decided that site work is much better at my age, and it's way more fun being out in a small town, or in my case, a camp. I'll be sure to post updates throughout the summer on how the vacation work is going.
